Ok, so we're talking about what we were talking about the other day - I have been rather slack in my posts lately but trust me, I have a hefty update concerning me, a 'bad boy' and some 'rules of engagement'.
I will say this once, and once only - and yes - the guy in question is very aware of where he stands (well at least I thought he did).
Sitting at home yesterday afternoon, and I hear a car pulll up. It's him. He's just 'dropping in'. I mean what!!! - unannounced??? And, he leaves it till he's been in the flat for twenty minutes before he even says hi.
What I want to know is this: Why is this guy turning up to 'visit me' after work, when it's just a casual thing. Anyway, because he stayed for about 2 hours, here I was thinking that he had come for something else....but oh NO people - here I was wrong again. He leaves at 10.30 - but not before I told him what I thought of him. It went a little something like this:
ME: "So- let me get this straight. You came round to 'see me' but not ACTUALLY 'see me'??!!! And why didn't you txt before you came
BAD BOY: "I can turn up when I want"
ME: "Aaah- no, you can't." This is getting way to heavy. Just go"
Question- why does he think he can just go ahead and ignore the rules of play when it comes to a 'casual relationship'. You always stick to the rules people -ALWAYS. I've come to the conclusion that: It's just not worth it. Hello spinster with 40 cats and a long ash hangin off the cigarette life. Hello.