Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What is E-Writing?

When I say E-Writing, what do you think of? Well- I think of writing for the internet. I think E-Writing generally means writing for a specific internet website or news/gossip column/blog. The way E-Writing reads is a lot of the time less-structured than say, a newspaper article, boasting a casual tone that relates to the site the user is on.

In terms of writing effectively for the internet, I think, just like anything else, there are must-do's. Probably the number one rule to remember is this: Online content should be the opposite to print content - meaning it should be interactive, dynamic and current.

I also think presentation has a lot to do with online content, and writer's should analyze the environment that is the site, and go from there. Readers want to see something coulorful - but not to the point of being an eye-sore.

Even though E-Writing shouldn't mirror a newspaper, it should still read like one. The inverted pyramid structure is one that should be incorporated, purely because it has been proven to work successfully.

People should keep in mind how their E-Writing reads- is it compelling or energetic? I think this is key when reading a news site/column or blog. You tend to turn off after you don't like a particular word or phrase, or if the words don't 'read well'. Speaking of this - font is a biggy. Keep in mind that fonts such as Comic Sans tends to remind people of a 5-year old, Arial is just plain mainstream, and Univers Extended is ugly.

I think the last thing to think about, is that the E-Writer should undoubtedly know there audience - or in other words E community. If an internet post is proving to be popular or successful, it probably means that it was well-written, specifically to that target audience.

So to all those wannabe E-Writers out there - if you keep in mind these simple tips then you should be fine.
Over and out!

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