Monday, August 31, 2009


Ever wonder why you tend to do some things? I found this 'interesting' website - filled with 'interesting' facts: Like-

Did you know that if you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on the right side of your mouth.

Chewing gum while peeling onions will stop you from crying.

Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.

Dalmations are born without spots.

Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die.

'Bad Boy' has been wiped

Hi Guys, I just thought I'd let you know, that the infamous 'bad boy' character that was in my social circle for approximately 2 and a half weeks - is now gone.
I am extremely happy as I am the one who ended it. I now have all my self-respect and feel a whole lot more 'wholesome'. I'm not talking like high quality multi-grain bread wholesome just yet - but close.

It's amazing what letting go of a bad thing can do to you. I'm actually having a good Monday -

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Today's weird/funny: Hats of Meat

You want to check out a wacky site? Well here we have 'Hats of Meat' which is like....very odd

On another disturbing note, why not check out DeathClock - this site apparently tells you the exact time and date of your death...need I say more?

Definately an update needed here.

Ok, so we're talking about what we were talking about the other day - I have been rather slack in my posts lately but trust me, I have a hefty update concerning me, a 'bad boy' and some 'rules of engagement'.
I will say this once, and once only - and yes - the guy in question is very aware of where he stands (well at least I thought he did).
Sitting at home yesterday afternoon, and I hear a car pulll up. It's him. He's just 'dropping in'. I mean what!!! - unannounced??? And, he leaves it till he's been in the flat for twenty minutes before he even says hi.

What I want to know is this: Why is this guy turning up to 'visit me' after work, when it's just a casual thing. Anyway, because he stayed for about 2 hours, here I was thinking that he had come for something else....but oh NO people - here I was wrong again. He leaves at 10.30 - but not before I told him what I thought of him. It went a little something like this:


ME: "So- let me get this straight. You came round to 'see me' but not ACTUALLY 'see me'??!!! And why didn't you txt before you came

BAD BOY: "I can turn up when I want"

ME: "Aaah- no, you can't." This is getting way to heavy. Just go"

Question- why does he think he can just go ahead and ignore the rules of play when it comes to a 'casual relationship'. You always stick to the rules people -ALWAYS. I've come to the conclusion that: It's just not worth it. Hello spinster with 40 cats and a long ash hangin off the cigarette life. Hello.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

When good girls go bad.

For most of you out there you will think I'm referring to the newest hit on the radio by that Gossip Girl chic - or whatever. And you are right, in a way.Because I am talking about when music imitates life : Have you ever had that? Of course, everyone has!
This is my experience. Just around the time that this hit song began to 'flourish' on the radio, I became involved with a 'bad boy'. Now when I say bad I don't mean just plain boring bad - I'm talking about the whole deal - this is one edgy guy. Anyway, everytime I hear this song it's like they are trying to tell me to GET OUT of the situation. And I know I should. I am a good girl - but everyone's gone 'bad' at some point. Let me have this one thing.

I did think about however, the fact that when I do want to end this casual/flingy/in-no-way steady thing, that it won't be that easy. It's true what they say about the 'bad boys' - they are a whole different kettle of fish. And I am so above board it's not funny - I mean, I don't think I've ever done somethinig illegal or just 'bad' in general. God knows this is a good thing.

So here I am venting my uncomfortableness at being involved with this (relatively older) 'bad boy'. This isn't your typical skank blog people - this is serious. If I sit back and think about it, where the hell did this attraction come from? I am now partially regretting it.

I will keep you updated...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday Funday

Waking up on Sunday morning and having a relaxing read of the paper (or in my case a trashy gossip mag!) paired with a bagel and a hot cup of quality coffee, is just what I look forward to....

However, it's very rarely what happens. You see, I either get 2 sorts of Sunday mornings:

The first being the hungover, can't even get out of bed because I'm too scared to look in the mirror sorts - of course these come with greasy food in the afternoon and a throw up- courtesy of that fowl concoction of a drink you decided to 'finish the night off' with.

The second sort of Sunday is the perfect morning - because you decided not to go out and throw yourself infront of the alcohol, and instead you spend your day thoroughly enjoying every meal, every tv omnibus, every activity, and may even fit in some tech work.

I am more than happy to say that I am having the second Sunday on my list - and am feeling pretty productive. Hell, I might even go for a run!
Life is good sometimes.

Monday, August 10, 2009

We are counting down the 5 wackiest jobs you never thought would exist:

1. Hair Boiler
A hair boiler is a person who boils various kinds of animal hair, until it curls. Try to imagine the scent of burning hair-all day long. Welcome to the world of the hair boiler.

2. Citris Fruit Dyer
Ok, now I bet you have been in the supermarket, looking at the lemons or limes and thought - Damn that citris looks fine, what a nice coat of yellowy yellow/ greeny green it has. This is because there are citris dyers who dye the fruit this colour, to help disguise the ripeness of it.

3. Fortune Cookie Writer
Ever wondered how you can put those writing skills to use? Well - someone has to write the fortunes.Remember - everyone seems to appreciate those little witty pieces of information available in the cookies.

4. Wrinkle Chasers
Now this is not what it sounds - this job includes making sure there are no wrinkles on your favourite pair of shoes, before they leave the factory. Shoes get leathery crows feet too you know.

5. Dog Food Tester
YES! Some lucky human being actually does this for a living. If you think about it, how can the dogs test their own food? All quality cuisine has to be tested. I can just imagine that persons breath...

The rise of Convergence Media - and why we need it!

2009 means that we no longer have to rely on only newspapers for our daily dose of affairs and gossip around the globe. Nowadays, there are so many options available to people who are seeking all sorts of information.

I don't know about you, but whenever I want to find out something e.g. news or gossip, I hit up my favorite websites to see what they have on offer. Why not just go and read the newspaper? Because the newspaper is so bland compared to the riveting websites offering webcasts, podcasts and live streaming.

Another thing that I love about these sites, is that there are always a few quirks added in for entertainment - like the opinion polls and irrelevant but interesting gossip e.g. 'Pammy's high sex drive past' or 'Jane Yee's life after 30'.

This isn't all either people, I mean if your feeling abit peckish, you can whip up something from the recipe that's been posted too - who's for vegetable risotto with bacon?

Websites like this revolve around the absolute latest news and current affairs, and can be updated in a second. Perhaps this is, undoubtedly why people flock to them like a pack of hungry seagulls each day (or 3 times a day even). Just to get their fix.

I have added a couple of links to convergence media that I generally rely on, and websites that I recommend you check daily....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

When the heavens open up

If you guessed I'm talking about rain - your wrong. I'm talking about when you least expect it, you get the surprise of your life and if you could jump for joy on the spot you would.

Yesterday as I was stalking people on the internet and checking to see what broadcasting jobs had opened up (which are generally VERY difficult to find), the perfect job popped up right infront of my eyes.
That's right people - my dream job of a television reporter/journalist. You can imagine my excitement at this, however I then went into a panick as I started filling out the application form. All thoughts of "As if they'll consider me" and "I'm only 23" came to mind, but then I figured - Britney Spears didn't become famous because she sat on her I figured - what the hell do I have to lose. Nothing. All was good, so I attached the CV and sent that puppy away.
So now we play the waiting game......and I'm aware that people very rarely get their dream job right off the bat, at first try like that. But it just felt so damn good to send that application away, knowing I had the appropriate skill set.

Until next time!!

P.S Please excuse my Britney Spears reference (although I do love Brit, she isn't the best success story to refer to)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Lara Flynn Boyled her face

Ladies and Gentleman.....

Unless you want to look like you have the mumps permanently - don't do what Lara Flynn Boyle did.

She went from a relatively attractive (bulemic/anorexic) D grade actress, to a plastic surgery disaster incorporated (still a D grade actress).

Once again, take a look at the 'Before' picture - obviously this is the one that doesn't look weird.

Feeling a tad angry (what a surprise!)

Today would have to be the first day I have ever dreaded (as in like REALLY dreaded) coming to tech.

This is purely because I had a confrontation with a fellow extended classmate on the weekend - well actually they decided it would be fitting to txt me something way out of line and see how I would react I think. Well I thank the lord this person is not in my class right now, however I'm sure whenever we run into each other it will be a very awkward/angry/aggressive meeting. I am ready for this. I am ready to stand up for myself, when you know in your heart that you did absolutely nothing wrong then that means something. Not to her however, I think this person just enjoys creating drama wherever she goes....and I do pity people like that.

I think it would be safe to say that I am a 10 on the scale of 1-10 of bitterness and aggression.

I will not be threatened- especially for something I didn't do, and I sure as hell won't back down: God knows she's trampled over some people in the past - well I am not going to be the next.

I'm sure you have all been in a relatively similar situation at some point in your lives....