Wednesday, August 5, 2009

When the heavens open up

If you guessed I'm talking about rain - your wrong. I'm talking about when you least expect it, you get the surprise of your life and if you could jump for joy on the spot you would.

Yesterday as I was stalking people on the internet and checking to see what broadcasting jobs had opened up (which are generally VERY difficult to find), the perfect job popped up right infront of my eyes.
That's right people - my dream job of a television reporter/journalist. You can imagine my excitement at this, however I then went into a panick as I started filling out the application form. All thoughts of "As if they'll consider me" and "I'm only 23" came to mind, but then I figured - Britney Spears didn't become famous because she sat on her I figured - what the hell do I have to lose. Nothing. All was good, so I attached the CV and sent that puppy away.
So now we play the waiting game......and I'm aware that people very rarely get their dream job right off the bat, at first try like that. But it just felt so damn good to send that application away, knowing I had the appropriate skill set.

Until next time!!

P.S Please excuse my Britney Spears reference (although I do love Brit, she isn't the best success story to refer to)

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