Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday Funday

Waking up on Sunday morning and having a relaxing read of the paper (or in my case a trashy gossip mag!) paired with a bagel and a hot cup of quality coffee, is just what I look forward to....

However, it's very rarely what happens. You see, I either get 2 sorts of Sunday mornings:

The first being the hungover, can't even get out of bed because I'm too scared to look in the mirror sorts - of course these come with greasy food in the afternoon and a throw up- courtesy of that fowl concoction of a drink you decided to 'finish the night off' with.

The second sort of Sunday is the perfect morning - because you decided not to go out and throw yourself infront of the alcohol, and instead you spend your day thoroughly enjoying every meal, every tv omnibus, every activity, and may even fit in some tech work.

I am more than happy to say that I am having the second Sunday on my list - and am feeling pretty productive. Hell, I might even go for a run!
Life is good sometimes.

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