Monday, August 3, 2009

Feeling a tad angry (what a surprise!)

Today would have to be the first day I have ever dreaded (as in like REALLY dreaded) coming to tech.

This is purely because I had a confrontation with a fellow extended classmate on the weekend - well actually they decided it would be fitting to txt me something way out of line and see how I would react I think. Well I thank the lord this person is not in my class right now, however I'm sure whenever we run into each other it will be a very awkward/angry/aggressive meeting. I am ready for this. I am ready to stand up for myself, when you know in your heart that you did absolutely nothing wrong then that means something. Not to her however, I think this person just enjoys creating drama wherever she goes....and I do pity people like that.

I think it would be safe to say that I am a 10 on the scale of 1-10 of bitterness and aggression.

I will not be threatened- especially for something I didn't do, and I sure as hell won't back down: God knows she's trampled over some people in the past - well I am not going to be the next.

I'm sure you have all been in a relatively similar situation at some point in your lives....

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