Friday, July 31, 2009

It's a 6/10 day today - getting better

Well, my last blog was full of hatred for those who choose not to reply to important emails.....and on that note.....I opened up my email inbox today to find that I had received one of those replies I had been waiting for.....and waiting for!!

So, I gather that I don't need to stress AS much as I was, and I'm sure things will work out. Oh don't I sound like the positive one!! hahah WHAT A CHANGE!!

I just feel that, if the people in question had of gotten back to me a.s.a.p there wouldn't have been the need for the drinking....the sobbing....the aggression directed toward innocent bystanders (well maybe not that).

So as I said, today is a 6/10 day - that's good. Above average!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I am so sick and tired of people who don't get back to you via email. I mean, fine - people are busy. But come on - the expression "I was busy ALL day" is just that - a fricken expression !!!!!

So I have spent the whole day stressing over my patential career. Hahhahahahaha sorry - I mean as if I'm going to get a chance at a career if these busy bee types refuse to fit a 20 second email into their day.

(Nearly sobbing).

P.S: The woman in the picture is me. And definately how I feel right now.

My view on a current news story - The Pony Club's New Dress Regs (for guys)

So everyone in N.Z who watches Target and well, basically television would have heard of Brooke Howard Smith. Brooke is the big-mouthed, smart alec character who looks half something, half indian.....

Anyway, along with Brooke's many tv appearances, he also manages to run a trendy Auckland city bar - "The Pony Club".

Now, being an Aucklander myself, I am always back home for visits, and as it happens I went to The Pony Club just a few weeks back.

Here is the thing: Brooke has re-established the dress regulations for guys. However, he hasn't made it near impossible for then to get in - he's made it literally impossible. Don't get me wrong - I am a fan of people dressing nicely and having to make a little effort. BUT : This is what they now CANNOT even think about wearing:

No polo shirts.

No sneakers.

No T-Shirts.

No jewellry e.g any type of chain around neck.

No solo guys or guys in groups - No girls, no entry.

Can I ask Brooke: What the hell do guys wear now???

On a closing note: I personally think girls can dress just as, if not more tacky than their male counterparts - however girls attire is not even mentioned.

Oh and Brooke - who made you the "Classy one". Underneath it all your still an annoying twat who thinks he's god's gift. Good luck with the bar takings.

We're having cold stew in a tuppaware wednesday

Andrei has taken aboard the fact that some of his food choices are just a tad outside of the square - and is now attempting to be 'normal' when it comes to packing his lunch.

Today he ripped out a tuppaware (large and round), that was filled with last night's leftover stew, along with two slices of bread - for dipping.

Now, as I am quite into Andrei's unusual food choices, I was sorely disappointed with this. Andrei you are slipping!!! Although, I myself would never bring stew....I just couldn't.

But well-done, you still managed to wow us a wee bit.
Andrei has just admitted he disliked this "We can safely say he just comes here to eat his lunch".

Meet Michaela Romanini. Believe it or not, this Italian socialite is only 40 years old however has had that much collagen pumped into her lips....

She became famous after many surgeries. Go figure.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Plastic Surgery botch up of the day:

Here is today's plastic surgery disaster....

This woman is known as 'Catwoman'. She has spent $4 million on plastic surgery. Would you want your money back? I would.

Jocelyn is a wealthy socialite who was cheated on by her husband - bringing on her 'need' to go under the knife. Her husband supposedly likes cats - hence her new look.

Look at the 'Before' picture - so much better!!!!

The joy of the first date 'Bungle'

Hi Guys.

Well, was just in the usual coffee shop picking up my regular, and sitting down to wait for it I witnessed one of those awkward first dates.
Now, how did I spot this - well it wasn't exactly hard. As the girl sat down infront of her wannabe Prince Charming, her eyes quickly shot a look at the floor like 'why did I agree to do this'.

The guy lead with ' So........(great big long PAUSE)..........."What brings you down here", and the girl replied (in a rather stumbled up sentence....."Well, I don't really know......just......came to study...... Now, at this point both guy and girl have realised that their first date has been bungled - which ideally means that it is going nowhere.

Looking at these two daters, I was quite surprised to see that both of them were the most casual, of casual dressed can be. No effort. And I mean no effort at all - I'm pretty sure also that the girl had a white t-shirt that was semi see through - and yes the guys eyes were level with her pink bra.

I mean, I could prattle on all day. But I know for sure one thing - and that is they will not still be sitting there. That first date attempt would have lasted all but 7 mins. Why not 10?? Because I witnessed 5 mins, and I'm tellin ya there is no way they could have continued on for another 5.

I honestly think this is why the 'first date' has been somewhat thrown out the window. And being someone who has never subjected themselves to that type of torture - I can tell you one thing. There is no way I will ever say yes to a 'date'. Especially after witnessing that. Infact, I could actually sum it up as a really really bad job interview.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

People who let the team down

Maybe it's because I only got five of my normally eight hours sleep, or the fact that I havn't had enough coffee....but sometimes I feel like people are 'letting the team down', so to speak.

What I mean by this, for example, are people who choose to break away from the ever so safe normality, and express themselves in a way that is most definately not needed.

I have a couple of circumstances that I wish to share from the past week:

1) The middle-aged lady at United Video who was in both pyjama top and bottoms -

2) The young lanky guy who was wearing short shorts while running in the pouring down rain carrying a beer crate

3) A little car that was definately not 'road worthy' - with a door that was literally burnt off. Hooning around like any other.

Now, I know that people refuse to believe that 'Keeping up appearances' is just for those, well, snobby people. But, I truly think that some of those people actually need to be schooled in what is not cool (nor will it ever be cool).

There are of course, with everything, exceptions to the wearing ugg boots to the supermarket - or even out and about on a cold winters day.

We need to take a long hard look at ourselves people - because undoubtedly you will register with these types of people, and you will have seen them. Walking down the the shops..

Well next time you do see one of these people- take a long hard look. And say to yourself-

That will never be me.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Invercargill - where dreams aren't possible

Ok, so I'm back to being Miss Negativity for now - with good reason. Last night I tuned in to get my daily dose of Shorty St, only to note THREE Invercargill slaggings, within the first twenty minutes.

Now, since I'm not from Invercargill, I can more than sympathise with why this was happening, I mean - everybody knows that Invercargill gets the crappy weather, the crappy bars, the crappy shops....just crap everything basically. Sitting there watching a character on a ficticious show slag off the city you are in at that particular point in time - well it's embarassing in it's own right.

To top this bitchy blog off - Invercargill's weather today is most probably the crappest in the country. It's not just rain, it's RAIN. And thinking it will stop anytime soon is just being sadly optimistic (omgosh I'm a wannabe journalist and I don't even know if I got that spelling correct).
Anyway people, that's me for now. So to sum up: I just want to get back to normality.
Which does not involve a shop called 'Dizzy's that serves actual FILTER coffee - It's 2009. Not 1989.
I will end this with some of my favourite Invercargill quotes:
"Invercargill - A city filled with beautiful surprises"
"The lifestyle opportunities available to people who live in Southland are exceptional"
"The arsehole of the world"

Monday, July 20, 2009

Update on the new flatmate...

Finding a flatmate is a horrendously stressful agonising time, and one that needs to be thought about a great deal.

Well we found one. And now I'm starting to wish I hadn't. Why? You wonder.....

1) Alcoholic beverages are now being stored in the top of our toilet
2) An increasing number of no-hopers are knocking at our door, asking for the flatty in question
3) You know it's never good when she says she 'works nights'

But I'm sure it can't get any worse...right???

"My apologies - I didn't screen them"

Ok - So we are talking about people who choose not to 'screen' photos before they put them on Facebook. These people generally turn out to be very unpopular with the masses. Everyone needs to remember this: When you have been in a social, drinking situation having a fun time, and have taken a few photos - or have posed for photos: Remember to ask the photographer to 'screen' the photos before they upload them.

If the person stares blankly at you and says "what is screen" ??, just reply that screening is the process you go through after you have taken some photos to prevent any type of social embarassment online.

I will warn you - people who sometimes say they 'screen' may lie, to benefit themselves or their personal page e.g. of course they want to upload rank photos of others, I mean, who wouldn't want others to think that they were the only one who managed to look good that night.

These are words of wisdom. Just remember: 'Screening' is the new black.

Monday Madness - Today it's....spaghetti.

It's always interesting waiting to see what my fellow classmate Andrei will pull out of his bag for his late lunch. You see, he always does this - and without a doubt the food item he has chosen for the day is always :

A) Less than appealing
B) Not something you would think of to bring to class - ever

AND...the most important factor of all

C) Incredibly inappropriate

So... on to today. Today we had a can of Homebrand spaghetti, cold that is. I know what you may be thinking - did he have a can opener to go with that?? The answer to this is yes. Andrei thinks of everything when it comes to his inappropriate food choices. Andrei sat there and ate his cold canned spaghetti. To be perfectly honest I was waiting for him to rip out the homemade protein shake, made up of eggs and milk. When I say milk I mean a litre of milk. But sadly...not today, nor was there any huge chunk of watermelon.
There is one thing for sure though, I never lose faith. Because there is always tomorrow- and I shudder to think what that will involve.