Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday Madness - Today it's....spaghetti.

It's always interesting waiting to see what my fellow classmate Andrei will pull out of his bag for his late lunch. You see, he always does this - and without a doubt the food item he has chosen for the day is always :

A) Less than appealing
B) Not something you would think of to bring to class - ever

AND...the most important factor of all

C) Incredibly inappropriate

So... on to today. Today we had a can of Homebrand spaghetti, cold that is. I know what you may be thinking - did he have a can opener to go with that?? The answer to this is yes. Andrei thinks of everything when it comes to his inappropriate food choices. Andrei sat there and ate his cold canned spaghetti. To be perfectly honest I was waiting for him to rip out the homemade protein shake, made up of eggs and milk. When I say milk I mean a litre of milk. But sadly...not today, nor was there any huge chunk of watermelon.
There is one thing for sure though, I never lose faith. Because there is always tomorrow- and I shudder to think what that will involve.

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