Wednesday, July 22, 2009

People who let the team down

Maybe it's because I only got five of my normally eight hours sleep, or the fact that I havn't had enough coffee....but sometimes I feel like people are 'letting the team down', so to speak.

What I mean by this, for example, are people who choose to break away from the ever so safe normality, and express themselves in a way that is most definately not needed.

I have a couple of circumstances that I wish to share from the past week:

1) The middle-aged lady at United Video who was in both pyjama top and bottoms -

2) The young lanky guy who was wearing short shorts while running in the pouring down rain carrying a beer crate

3) A little car that was definately not 'road worthy' - with a door that was literally burnt off. Hooning around like any other.

Now, I know that people refuse to believe that 'Keeping up appearances' is just for those, well, snobby people. But, I truly think that some of those people actually need to be schooled in what is not cool (nor will it ever be cool).

There are of course, with everything, exceptions to the wearing ugg boots to the supermarket - or even out and about on a cold winters day.

We need to take a long hard look at ourselves people - because undoubtedly you will register with these types of people, and you will have seen them. Walking down the the shops..

Well next time you do see one of these people- take a long hard look. And say to yourself-

That will never be me.

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