Monday, July 27, 2009

The joy of the first date 'Bungle'

Hi Guys.

Well, was just in the usual coffee shop picking up my regular, and sitting down to wait for it I witnessed one of those awkward first dates.
Now, how did I spot this - well it wasn't exactly hard. As the girl sat down infront of her wannabe Prince Charming, her eyes quickly shot a look at the floor like 'why did I agree to do this'.

The guy lead with ' So........(great big long PAUSE)..........."What brings you down here", and the girl replied (in a rather stumbled up sentence....."Well, I don't really know......just......came to study...... Now, at this point both guy and girl have realised that their first date has been bungled - which ideally means that it is going nowhere.

Looking at these two daters, I was quite surprised to see that both of them were the most casual, of casual dressed can be. No effort. And I mean no effort at all - I'm pretty sure also that the girl had a white t-shirt that was semi see through - and yes the guys eyes were level with her pink bra.

I mean, I could prattle on all day. But I know for sure one thing - and that is they will not still be sitting there. That first date attempt would have lasted all but 7 mins. Why not 10?? Because I witnessed 5 mins, and I'm tellin ya there is no way they could have continued on for another 5.

I honestly think this is why the 'first date' has been somewhat thrown out the window. And being someone who has never subjected themselves to that type of torture - I can tell you one thing. There is no way I will ever say yes to a 'date'. Especially after witnessing that. Infact, I could actually sum it up as a really really bad job interview.

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